Harmonic Motion is a toolkit for musicians and artists to simplify accessing data from sensors such as the Kinect.
Unfortunately, this project was closed before it reached fruitition. Some fatal design decisions were identified within the architecture that would have required more development time to resolve than I could realistically offer. Furthermore, it's become extemely difficult to use a Kinect on a Mac with skeleton tracking which negates much of the purpose of the software.
The source code is still available on Github if you'd like to build it and see where we got to. However, I'm no longer developing the project and I'm afraid I'm not offering support on it.
Harmonic Motion was created by Tim Murray-Browne and Mark D. Plumbley at the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London. The project was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the Platform Grant (EP/K009559/1) and is based on work completed during Murray-Browne's PhD at the Centre for Digital Music which was funded under an EPSRC Doctoral Training Account (EP/P504031/1).